Thursday, December 13, 2012

term's over? say whaaaaat?

 reflect:  /rɪˈflɛkt/
verb:  (usually reflect on/upon) think deeply or carefully about

remember:  /rɪˈmɛmbə/
verb:  have in or be able to bring to one’s mind an awareness of (someone or something from the past)
ponder:  /ˈpɒndə/
verb- think about (something) carefully, especially before making a decision or reaching a conclusion

three words that came to mind when i thought about this blog post. probably for a few reasons. first, it has been so long since i have written! second, i am home and in baltimore- so the only news you get of oxford will be me remembering and reflecting! third, i think taking time to remember is important. in my life, remembering has been a way for me to learn more about God, others, and myself. it's a way to  hold onto what God has done, things that have happened, and look at things in the bigger picture. 

so, here we go. 

i was thinking that over the next few days i would take different subjects or areas in which I have grown over this semester, share some stories. i kept a journal throughout the semester, so looking back will be refreshing. and it will save you from reading one really loooong blog post. in some ways, i think they will all connect- but you will be able to see little bits and pieces of the journey all come together to form a greater picture. i'm thinking of the process of fitting puzzle pieces together to see more of what the grand picture is going to look like, but the whole thing is not near complete. that is how i am picturing this time within the year i am in oxford. 

i'll start tonight light and easy... some of my favorite things i have learned to love in oxford:
1. drinking tea. all day. 
2. walking everywhere
3. eating some form of potato (usually chips) every day. kinda a love hate relationship
4. diversity: there are so many different cultures, ethnicities, areas of study, and types of people here! 
5. Ribena. 
6. lots of coffee shops to hang out at 
7. the style: everyone just wears whatever they want- no matter if it matches or not! 
8. having a community of people around who love to talk and discuss things
10. the chocolate is so much better here! 
11. the architecture and history here. 
12. kabobs. all day eery day.
12. pubs. the atmosphere & the mulled cider!
13. carol services- singing carols with mulled wine & minced pies! 
14. singing my words probably more than speaking them- thank you, jessie :) 

things I haven't liked:
1. always having my wycliffe card to get into all the buildings 
2. its freezing
3. wycliffe food 
4. almonds are so expensive and hard to find 
5. there is no chic-fil-a 
#firstworldproblems #iprobablycaretoomuchaboutfood 

there aren't many things i don't like! it's lovely here! 

stay posted for updates on what I have been learning and what God has taught me! 

peace, love & space cadets (that one's for you, jo)

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