Sunday, November 11, 2012

snap crackle pop

Soo this title- let me give you the logic- I thought about how I have to write this so quickly- so then I thought- in a flash- then that sounded dumb- then I thought of snap- then it went to snap crackle pop. makes sense? maybs? This is the fastest blog update ever! I’m going to church in ten minutes! But I wanted to update… because my man JC has been on the move! Things have been happening here!!!!
Where to begin. Who knows. Ill just start typing.

Joy and restoration- two words that have really defined these past few weeks. A couple weekends ago we went to my friend Jessie’s farm in Somerset- dream. It was beautiful. but the best part- the Lord decided to work a miracle. He filled me with so much joy. And laughter. It was a breakthrough. The main things I learned- that if we enjoy something, God must enjoy it too. If he has created joy- he must have a pretty good sense of humor. It broke the lie that people cant see Christ in me when I am goofy- something I have been believing for a while. And to see that they can, has been so encouraging. I feel so affirmed in that. Also, that God enjoys our presence. That for the first time in a while, I actually felt like my presence was enjoyed- and I think it was deeply rooted in my walk with the Lord. Since tehn, I have been laughing so much!!! A lot of friends here have even said they have noticed transformation- and it truly is a miracle.

Classes- my brain is bustin with info!!! We are learning so much and it is such a privledge. We are continuing on spiritual disciplines, frequently asked questions, 1 corinthians, the rationality of the Christian faith, and have added classes on doctrine, science and religion, globalization and some others. It is a blessing. To be learning how rational Christianity is, and how it can be reasoned, and the confidence we can have in it- beyond our own personal experience has been great. constantly soaking in knowledge.

Friendships have continued to grow. Getting to know each person individually, undestanding what makes them tick has been great. I am so blessed by this group! And by all of the laughing we do!!!

I’ve started a Bible study- as my placement for the course- at the NOOC, where I live. We are going through a series called Uncover- a seeker Bible study that is popular with the Chrisitan Union (pretty much the UK’s InterVarsity) here. So far we have all believers coming, but I am praying for the group to expand and grow! But also so thankful for those that are here. God is teaching me that his Spirit is so powerful, so present, and that it is His convincing power that we rest on, and not something we have to conjure up or make ourselves.

I have started volunteering with the gatehouse- it is a organization that feeds the homeless on a daily basis! I have been going once a week. It has been such a pleasure, and place of joy and service. I really enjoy how transparent and uninhibited the homeless are, they show you all of themselves, and it is refreshing. You get to know what is really important to them, and what they believe- and to just be a friend to them while you can is a blessing. My favorite is a precious older man who comes and has the most gracious attitude and thinks he is a magician. Dreamboat.

To end with two verses that I have been praying through, and would love prayer for:

Ephesians 6:10 & 19
“Finally, be strong in the Lord and his mighty power.”
“Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given to me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel….”

Peace, love & starbucks tea 

Ps- would love to hear from you all to know what is going on in your lives! I love emails! And mail :)

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