Sunday, March 3, 2013

life as a scouse ;)

So.. two weeks ago a team of us went to Liverpool for mission! Home of the Beatles! The inhabitants of Liverpool are actually called Liverpudlians but are known by the colloquialism Scousers. It comes from the name of a meat stew called Scouse- and the name was originally adapted by families who frequently ate it! fun fact ;) Their accent is quite unique- although I only met a few people actually from the area!

This mission was completely different from York- but was still wonderful. There was a different vibe on campus because there was no central location- campus was more of buildings spread out throughout the city than a specific enclosed place.

There was a great team of about 12 or so that went, while the other OCCA students were on mission to Bath and Aberystwyth. Our speakers were Tom Price & Sharon Dicrkx (both tutors) and OCCA alumni Jonathan Sherwin and Kate Seagrave. They rocked all the talks- each coming from a different speciality and background. Tom is a philosopher and absolutely brilliant- he also worked in his love for film into his talks to create a great dynamic. Sharon is a scientist and was able to bring her knowledge of science, experimentation & research, and life experience to the table. Her personal story of suffering made for a powerful testimony in the talk "Why does God allow suffering"- with a brilliant response of the questions we ask, who our God is, and how he can meet us within times of suffering.

This week was filled with many different kinds of conversations about God, Jesus, Christianity, truth, pluralism, etc. We were able to meet students through various means: worldview surveys, flyering, lunch bars, evening events, and coffee shop chats. Students came from all different backgrounds- and we found a vast array of perspectives on Jesus & faith. Many conversations I had were with students who believed truth to be relative, and each religion was an equal road to God- no religion was right over another.

It was great to understand where people were coming from, and genuinely getting to know them as people instead of going into a conversation with an agenda. It was freeing to understand that God knows their hearts and where they are in their search for truth, their beliefs, etc. and when I could go into a conversation with no set expectations or views of success- it allowed me to be more gracious, understanding, and able to give the conversation to God.

I made some great friendships last week- with my host Anna, and a few girls that I met throughout the week. God put me into some tough conversations- philosophers & scientists coming my way- but gave me a confidence in who He was and the message I was bringing- which allowed for a good mix of building relationships & boldness to ask hard questions.

I had one conversation with such a lovely girl- who had such a similar story to mine. Her doubts, longings, questions, and perceptions of God were so similar to the same things I have asked and questioned in my own walk. It was a very evident way God showed me that he can use His healing touch in our specific pain and struggles as a beacon of mercy for others. She told me that she had never had someone articulate the desires and questions of her heart in the same way- and i felt the same. What a blessing- and a privilege  to be able to get to know someone in such a deep way over such a short period of time!

I was very thankful for this week. God really revealed to me how much I love evangelism. It was a bit of a miracle week in the sense of being freed from anxiety the whole week- a taste of a freedom He is working on and I believe to be coming more and more.

I was fascinated at how God could use us as a team- bringing the same people to have conversations with different people, the use of different international backgrounds & languages, and how God divinely paired up conversations with who each person needed to talk to.

A little bit of a summary for you- I could go on with specific stories- but I'll leave it there. Feel free to email me and ask me more questions though!


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