Thursday, July 26, 2012

am·bas·sa·dor (n.)

am·bas·sa·dor (n.)
 [am-bas-uh-der, -dawr] 

1. a diplomatic official serving as permanent head of country's mission to the United Nations or some other international organization.

2. an authorized messenger or representative.

For the past few weeks I have been thinking about the word ambassador. When I looked it up in the dictionary, these are two of the definitions that I think apply to what has been so impressed on my heart and mind. An ambassador is a representative, an ambassador is someone who is chosen,  has authority, and is capable of bringing news or important information to the places it needs to go. Usually, an ambassador is a representative that goes to a place where the information is unknown, so as to teach or instruct those that will be on the receiving end.
As we look into Scripture, two passages contain the word ambassador in the context of ministry 2 Corinthians 5:20, and Ephesians 6:20. I’ll focus on one, and will provide it in context, so we can get a better picture of the author’s intent.
2 Corinthians 5:14-20 14 For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. 15 And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again. So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:[a] The old has gone, the new is here! 18 All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: 19 that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. 20 We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us.

Wow. What a lead up to an awesome verse. We do not regard anyone from a worldly point of view. We are new creations. The old is gone the new is come. And this is from God, because we are reconciled to him. Because we have been reconciled, because we have been brought to Him and have the Holy Spirit living in us, we are an AMBASSADOR. God has made it very clear throughout history that He wants to have a relationship with us, and that He wants us to know His character. He allowed the Israelites to worship Him and understand Him through the Law, the Holy of Holies, the Ark of the Covenant, and the prophets. He sent Jesus to the world to demonstrate and reflect His love for us, paying the ultimate price for Him to be with us. Therefore, to use the words of Paul, he made His appeal to us through those actions. Now, it is as if God were making His appeal through us. Doesn’t that excite you? doesn’t that give you a sense of purpose? Doesn’t that give you a sense of honor? We have been reconciled. God has committed us to the ministry of reconciliation, making us ambassadors. We can know Jesus, and know God, through the Scripture. We have God living in our hearts through the Holy Spirit. Therefore, we have all the “information” needed to represent God to the world. He has chosen us to represent and reflect His character to the world. He is constantly sanctifying us (2 Corinthians 3:16-18) to become more like Christ and better reflect Him.

Whenever I think of the word ambassador, I immediately think of JMU. There is an organization called Student Ambassadors, and it was full of some of the most school spirited JMU-ers I have known. Their responsibilities included tours, functions, and maintaining relationships with alumni. When prospective students, unfamiliar to the campus and lifestyle would come to JMU, they would schedule a tour, which the Ambassadors would lead them through. (I assume this is similar to many colleges, but thought the explanation would be helpful just incase). Through the ambassadors, the students would learn all about the campus, the layout, the customs, what each building meant, funny jokes and “JMU-isms,” in an attempt to show the beauty, wonder, and unique privileges and opportunity our campus had to offer.

Now, to dissect this a little further. The ambassadors could not take people on tours if they did not know the campus. Not just anyone could lead a tour through campus, explaining the history, details, and information about the campus. They had to learn, and they had to be trained. However, once they were authorized (hint hint), they were able to confidently teach and guide others. It would be as if the president of the university was leading each family through the tour (a little stretch, but hopefully you understand the point). The ambassadors were in charge and responsible for making JMU look appealing, and representing the information needed to each student and family.

A great thing about our SA was their enthusiasm. Each tour was market with a ton of purple and yellow, excitement, cheers, and attempts to engage other JMU students on the tour. They were passionate about JMU, and had such enthusiasm that they wanted to spread the word and show these students what they could have, and why JMU was the best school for them to choose. It was very obvious that they LOVED JMU.

Now, to keep with the analogy. That is our job! As Christians, we have been authorized to represent Christ, to tell the world about what a great Love and opportunity they are missing. We have the opportunity and ability to talk to the world, our “prospective students” about the beauty, excitement, and intrigue that our Savior, Jesus Christ, has to offer. We have the information and ability to do this- we know what we are talking about! We also need to pray for the passion. We need the enthusiasm, passion, and excitement that JMU student ambassadors have for their campus, our energy needs to be directed to representing Christ! Tell them what is up!!

I love the word usage “making His appeal through us.” That both the church, other believers, and myself can be used by God to reflect Him and allow others to know the beauty, grace, and joy that we have received is unfathomable. He wants to use us. He wants to make Himself known. He is choosing to use us.

I think this can redefine our interactions if we allow ourselves to be open to it. I think of some of the relationships and friendships God has placed into my life, especially those that are not believers. We have the ability to represent Christ to those people, because we have the Holy Spirit so alive within us. I think that could change our conversations ,what we choose to say, how we interact, and the love that we can give.

Ambassador. It’s another quality and characteristic of something I have gained because I am in Christ. Awesome.