good reads.

Summer '13 reads! 

The Great Divorce- CS Lewis

Here are some books I read outside of class!

The Weight of Glory- CS Lewis
Amazing Love- Corrie Ten Boom
Gunning for God- John Lennox
Voicing Creation's Praise- Jeremy Begbie
C.S Lewis-A Life: Eccentric Genius, Reluctant
                            Prophet-  Alister McGrath

In the process now..
Knowledge of the Holy- AW Tozer

Good recommendations:
A Grief Observed- CS Lewis
Counterfiet Gods- Tim Keller
Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes- Kenneth Bailey

If you are asking questions or want to know about...


William Lane Craig, Gary Habermas et al, Five Views on Apologetics (Zondervan, 2000) 
Andrew Davison, Imaginative Apologetics (SCM, 2011) 
Alister McGrath, Mere Apologetics (Baker Books, 2012) 
John Stackhouse, Humble Apologetics (OUP, 2006) 
William Lane Craig, Reasonable Faith (Crossway, 3rd Edition 2008) *
Norman Geisler, Christian Apologetics (Baker Books, 2009)
J. P. Moreland and Tim Muehlhoff, The God Conversation (IVP, 2007)

Big Questions/ Skepticism

The Reason for God- Tim Keller
The Universe Next Door- James Sire  *
Is There a God? - Richard Swinburne *
Reason To Believe- RC Sproul
But Is It Real? Amy Orr -Ewing

Why? Sharon Dicrkx 

Science and God:
God's Undertaker- John Lennox
Gunning for God- John Lennox

New Atheism
The God Delusion- Richard Dawkins
The Dawkins Delusion- Alister McGrath
The Moral Landscape- Sam Harris
The End of Reason: A Response to New Atheism- Ravi Zacharias

The Cost of Discipleship- Bonhoeffer

The Bible & Other Holy Books 
Amy Orr-Ewing, Why trust the Bible?

The Resurrection 
Gary Habermas and Michael Licona, The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus 
Jesus And The Eye Witnesses- Richard Baukham
The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus- Gary Habermaus

Those Who Have Gone Before... (Inspirational Missionaries)
Shadow of The Almighty- Elisabeth Elliot
Hudson Taylor: The Man Who Believed God- Marshall Broomhall
Union and Communion- Hudson Taylor
A Chance To Die: Life and Legacy of Amy Carmichael- Elisabeth Elliot

The Christian Life & God 
The Prodigal God- Tim Keller
The Cross of Christ- John Stott

Books by Ravi Zacharias 
Walking from East to West
Why Jesus?
Can Man Live Without God
Beyond Opinion
Cries of the Heart
Jesus Among Other Gods
Has Christianity Failed You?
The Grand Weaver: How God Shapes Us Through Events in Our Lives
The Lamb and the Führer: Jesus Talks with Hitler 
The Lotus and The Cross: Jesus Talks With Buddha

CS Lewis
Mere Christianity
Surprised By Joy
A Grief Observed
Weight of Glory
The Pilgrim's Regress
The Problem of Pain
The Four Loves
The Screwtape Letters

Good Devotionals & Spiritual Growth
Jesus Calling
Valley of Vision
Who I am In Christ

Additional Resources:
W. C. Campbell-Jack, Gavin McGrath, New Dictionary of Christian Apologetics 

 * very philosophical reasoning/ arguments