Monday, July 23, 2012

when God shows up.

so this post is going to be short & sweet. it's all about yesterday and how God knows my heart, and just what to do to encourage me... and hoping this encourages you too.
yesterday i was able to get coffee with a dear friend before church. we were talking about life, the future, and next steps. i was sharing about new updates for Oxford, which i was so delighted to talk about. in the car on the way to church, however, doubts began to fly. why are you going? what are you doing? and the seemingly never ending questions that i never seem to invite into my mind. so as i was in church, i just began to pray. God, i am humbled, and i know i come to you with doubts and fears, and you have answered me so many times.. but here i am again. please hear me & give me faith.
He answered. the rest of the service was filled with a confidence in Him and what He is doing.

and then he went overboard. our family went out to lunch after church, and we ran into two of my old younglife leaders. they asked about my next steps, and as i talked about it, my old excitement and enthusiasm, as well as confidence about God's hand in this, became more evident.
then he says, "Rach, this is awesome and i am so excited for you. we're getting some new things going at our church, and we don't have all the energy and time to do a ton of research, and we are going to need the expertise you are going to be learning. are you going to have a blog?" Ha, yes. oh yes. I told him about how I am hoping to update it and share what i am learning. Then he said, "Rach, would you be able to come to our church one Sunday, and tell us what you are doing next year? Especially so we can be praying for you?"


Bam. what a blessing, and what a surprise. first, it was amazing because God revealed to me that not everything is only for me or about me. I have no idea how God is going to use my time there, what i am going to learn, or how He will be able to bless others through this journey. it got my eyes back on Him. and how great to know that I will have a church body praying over me throughout the trip. and this happens on the day when doubts seem to be the loudest.

it does seem that God knows how to come unexpectedly, and fill our hearts and minds with joy and confidence in Him.