Wednesday, April 25, 2012

abundantly blessed.

wow. today has been quite the day. i have felt overwhelmingly blessed today- by so many different people and different circumstances. God is good.

this morning I woke up kinda feeling like a mess- i can tend to get super anxious in the morning. just had to give God the day, and know that He had things prepared for me.... little did I know this was going to be a HUGE day.

today i found out that I got into the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics!!!! I have been waiting on this answer, praying, and waiting for months. I was fully expecting a no- and God brought such a surprise today. I'm going to England!!! I will be taking a year to study apologetics and evangelism, and have the amazing opportunity to learn under some of the most wise and brilliant teachers I know. It is through Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, and I know that God has great things in store. The program is a 10 month program, I'll be taking classes, in a Bible Study, and traveling around Europe! what a dream. It is a door that God has opened- and all i can do is be think about the things God is going to do next year gets me so excited. so many new people, new culture, new lifestyle. I can't even believe it.I'm going to be stretched and challenged- the program is going to kick me in the bootay, but what an amazing opportunity to learn. it's gunna be the bomb.

It has been a day to just celebrate with friends and family. I have been so encouraged by so many friends from my internship, my house, my small group.. and so many others. i have been able to share with family who is nothing but excited and full of support and encouragement! i even have a friend going over the pond with me! What a blessing from God.

my house has started making me practice in a British accent and learn the lingo- I'll be eating lots of fish and chips and meet lads in knickers who have to get plasters when they fall and scrape their knee in the lu (a sentence using as many new words as i can think of).

small group tonight was amazing. before small group three of us and a dear friend got to pray for her to accept Christ. wow. on the last small group of college. abundantly blessed. He is always working, always bringing us from death to life. what a privilege and an honor to get to experience that with a dear friend. then we did foot washing at small group. a way to show service, love, and forgiveness with the members. a time to humble ourselves and to serve, to lift one another up in prayer, and to celebrate the work God has done in our lives over the past four years. seeing girls cry, love, and celebrate friendships was amazing, and so humbling. the Lord has been doing big things in our small group. one girl who just joined this year, an awesome friend washed my feet tonight- and before she prayed, she said "I don't do this often- remember that," and yet prayed one of the most genuine, heart felt, open prayers before the Lord. she has grown so much over this year- and it was just a night to celebrate growth.

God has big plans in store. for each of us. it's holding onto that truth that is important. the verses that come to mind are Joshua 1:8-9, Philippians 1:6 and Ephesians 3:20.

today I have been abundantly blessed.

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