Sunday, September 30, 2012

take off

We'll we've started "classes." It's actually been a wonderful week of settling into the mission, goals, and culture of the community here at OCCA. We've gotten lots of community time. There are 28 of us in the program, 21 guys and 7 girls (can you say the opposite extreme of JMU ha). So far we've cooked together, walked to town together, gone to pubs together, and many things in between. We are each so different- and when I say that, I say it with 100% sincerity. There are so many different stories and personality traits here, so many ages, and different walks of life. And we have one thing in common: Jesus, and wanting to make His name greater. How unifying that can be!

It has been humbling and such a blessing to be surrounded by, what i consider, some of the greatest evangelists and apologists I have heard. to be training with and learning from individuals who i listened to on you- tube and read articles from is a beautiful gift. thank you God!!!

Our lectures thus far have introduced us to what we are getting into here at OCCA- and instead of being intensely overwhelming, it has actually been quite refreshing. Everything is centered on prayer. Everything is centered on the grace and love of Christ. During our first lecture, our senior tutor stated two main things 1) you dont deserve to be here and 2) you will not meet your expectations. He elaborated- that we don't deserve to be here, but God has called us here to give us a good gift. To take part in His grace. We don't have to earn the right to be here, we don't have to prove that we were good enough to get in, we are here because it is the plan God had since the beginning of time. refreshing, right? definitely lifts the pressure off. We are here, individually, and as a community, for such a time as this. I keep thinking of that line from Esther 4:12- we can trust that God has weaved together this course and this community, this group, for right now.

The next lecture we talked about expectations, specifically attitude and attendance. We discussed different characteristics and elements of attitude: humility, transparency, charity, loyalty, and worship. We broke up and talked in groups and talked about which we think would be the hardest for us, and prayed over it. it was amazing- literally getting together, confessing a part of weakness, and getting to lift it up to the God of the universe. we can't do this without Him- and this course understands that, knows that, and wants us to lean into Him and His strength. It isn't showing up for the first day, being intimidated, and saying toughen up and good luck. it's honesty, transparency, and being able to make all of this centered on the love and strength of Jesus.

it's been wonderful. I am praying for the sense of community to continue growing, for each of us to be part of a communal body, and for each of us to be challenged, stretched, and deeply loved. we all recently got our placements for the year- which is a 5hr/ week volunteer placement in the community focusing on apologetics and evangelism. we are all spread out. I was placed at the NOOC (where I live)  to do one on one conversation and evangelism with a book of the Bible. right up my alley. you can be praying for my time there, and for whoever I am placed with!!

I'll be keeping you updated.. and will probs write more later! :)