Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Mahalo is the Hawaiian word for thank you. I thought this would be a great way to start this post- because I am returning with quite a thankful attitude. I learned a lot over our ten days in vacation- from time with Jesus, the people I was surrounded by, and from taking risks- however small or large.

Here are some of my reflections from the week ...

Over the trip I met a homeless woman named Sue. She lived at a picnic table on the beach. Unable to walk and having trouble with her vision, she spent every moment of her life at this picnic table. My mom and I stopped to talk with her one day- and tried to visit her during our trips to the beach. Some of the unique things about her- she likes philosophy, rootbeer, and watching the sunset as much as she is able. she loved to laugh. she valued community and remembered the people who said they would come back to see her and followed through. when we talked about the church, she did not like going because no one talked to her when she went. my interactions with sue taught me how the church needs to grow, for sure, but how important and captivating the person of Jesus Christ is. He knew how to heal. He saw even the beggars- those who were passed on the streets every day- and he wanted to know the cry of their hearts. Sue was a reminder to me that as Christians, we are responsible for the physical needs of the world- but also the spiritual. Sue was in need of food, water, and medical care- but she was also in need of unconditional love, unashamed acceptance of Christ, and to know of the dignity and worth she carried simply because she was created in the image of God. 

I met some new friends whose families were also attending the same medical conference. Through random run ins and frequent hellos I was able to get to know more about their lives and who they were. The last morning I met one of their dads, who is a missionary to the Phillipines. He is working with technology, education and poverty, using each of these areas as a platform for evangelism and sharing Jesus. After sharing some of my shared vision and desires, he invited me to come to the Philippines and speak. What?!?!? It was incredible. Yet another way in which God can weave something together hat is directly in line with my interests and a complete surprise. What a joy!!! He really can do more Han we could ever ask or imagine!

Hawaii was a trip of unexpected surprises, friendships and lessons, only a glimpse of which i was able to share with you today.


Thursday, July 4, 2013

the end of one journey and the beginning of another.

Well an update is finally here. It's been almost two months. I can't tell you how many times I have thought about writing a post and yet not known how to really process what has happened in the last two months- how to write about an experience so transformational, with an impact that will have forever shaped my life and faith in Jesus Christ. 

We ended on June 13th, finishing with a day of remembering, reflecting, and prayer. We reflected on how we grew as a community (which usually turned into us throwing each other under the bus), the ways we saw God move in our lives and in the lives of others, and laughed over some of the knee slappin moments ;) After lunch we got in a big group, three people got in the middle, announced where they are going next and what they need prayer for as they embark on their next journey. The whole group spent time praying over one another, sharing Scripture, pictures and words of encouragement. As this year has been a time of learning, seeing more of who our God is, the pursuit of truth, and the rejoicing of what God is doing in the hearts and minds of people worldwide, spending hours once more at the feet of Jesus, asking God to do immeasurably more than we could ever ask or imagine was an ending to a year that reflected the most important part of this year: reliance on Jesus Christ for everything. 

Saying goodbye to people who have taught me so much, pushed me to Jesus, prayed with me, and have a passion for knowing Jesus and sharing his love with others brought quite a mix of emotion. With the formation of such strong friendships, I know that this is not goodbye- we will be united in heart and mind for life. Yet, leaving a community as tight knit that has become a family to me was quite hard. The last days were filled with laughter, tears, stories, worship and encouragement. We left knowing that there is a unity between us that can never be divided. Yet my heart aches for this community. 

After graduation, my dad step-mom and I traveled to Spain, France and back to the UK to visit London. I got back to Baltimore, spent three days there, and then travled off to Hawaii with Pete's side of the family. It has been such a beautiful trip- and let me tell you I have never been so excited for the SUN! 

The degree of thankfulness in my heart towards God, my family, and RZIM for this past year is inexpressible. I learned more about the compassion, mercy, and love of God than I had thought- and I know God has done some deep, eternal changes in my heart and mind. The knowledge and training I received for RZIM has forever changed my perception on the world, engaging with others, and the importance of truth. The ways in which I know how to teach, train, speak, and engage I know will have a life long effect on everything I do. God has given our group in OCCA a fire and passion that I hope is never quenched by the journeys and paths we are now on all over the world. 

So with this end of a journey, a new one begins. I'll be spending time with family this summer in Baltimore and in Pennsylvania and am planning on attending seminary in the fall. Another piece in the puzzle- education, formation, and vision. I am filled with gratitude and joy as I think of what God has in store for me in these next few years. 

As I was writing this I was listening to Need to Breathe- and one of their lyrics says "I can never get over what you've done to me." A perfect way to end.