Sunday, October 21, 2012

catch up.

ahhh! i can't believe it's been so long since i posted- and there is so much to say. where do i even begin?? things have been amazing- challenging and deeply refreshing. it would probably take me a few hours to write everything that i have done and been learning. so, until i get into a rhythm of how to update, i thought i could write down 10 things about school and community.

1. Our classes are intense. They are wonderful. I have never learned this much, or worked this hard. so much reading, highlighting- and learning how to take notes! Our weeks alter between packed and lighter class schedules, which can be refreshing.
2. We are in a preaching workshop! it's thrilling. we are learning how to speak, give sermons, and deliver well. we have to tape ourselves, watch, and then figure out what to work on
3. We are in a New Testament class on 1 Corinthains- with 2 papers down, I know so much more than I ever thought I would about the Corinthian society!
4. We are in a class on frequent apologetic questions, one of my favorites, because we are uncovering frequent objections and questions raised about Christianity, and how to dialogue about them
5. Other classes include the rationality of the CHristian Faith, Critical Thinking, Globalization, 1 Peter, Spiritual Disciplines
6. Coffee shops are my jam. Many papers have been written and research occured in coffee shops- especially Java & Co!
7. My mind is being stretched in new ways- we are learning how to look at things critically, and not just descriptively- its a new kind of writing for me.
8. we have been learning a lot about our worldview- how we see the world and how it affects how we engage with others, fascinating.
9. some of our assignments involve going into town and asking questions to strangers- its thrilling! last week we had to ask 1) what are you major objections to the Christian Faith and 2) What would it take for you to become a Christian. i spoke with a new friend, Jason, who has a brilliant mind. it was quite an intriguing and good conversation.
10. we have started at our placements for the course- mine is at the NOOC (where I live) and i will be starting a Bible study here this coming week. we are going through the uncover series through UCCF. please keep it in your prayers!!!!

1. It's been a continual learning process to be in this community. We truly are a diverse group- come from so many different cultural and family backgrounds, and all have different gifts to offer.
2. One of our favorites is Stephen. He worked in the Hong Kong government for 34 years before coming to OCCA. He is brilliant, intelligent, and loves Jesus. Last week we realized that whenever he talks we all stand in awe haha everyone goes silent and just listens. its funny.
3. The women have started praying on fridays! That has been a great way to all be together at the same time- and to be intentional! We have breakfast, share Scripture, and pray for each other. last week they all surrounded me as I was feeling sick and just struggling with anxiety and my health. They so dearly lifted me up and encouraged me!
4. It's definitely different to be with the same people all the time- so different from my usual tendencies to be friends with many different groups.
5. Claire and I have become really close- we have breakfast and pray every tuesday. she is also my coffee shop pal- we adventure all over together.Tamara- she is wonderful as well. she has such a different heart for the Lord than some of my other friends- and its so refreshing. we have bonded over a love for spanish, singing hymns and worship, and coffee- essentials. we also love corrie ten boom and quotes- works out when you have someone who loves to encourage in the same way you love to give encouragement! Carmen is so full of life and such an encouragement! Jesse and I are always laughing with one another and like to turn conversation into songs. Hatun is so thoughful, has a really dry sense of humor, and so unique. i'm always learning. alycia is bold and yet so compassionate. so inviting.
6. I have not laughed this much in a long time. I am always laughing- and this community is one that has brought out so much joy in me!
7. we started our huddles this week. we are going to meet in our huddles every week, talk about what we are learning, things that are challenging and going well, etc. its supposed to be a sort of accountability group but also a place for raw honesty and deep change. my leader is Jo- she is one of the wives of the tutors. she is so intelligent, and has such a heart for the Lord. we connect so well!
8. I have committed to St. Aldate's church. I really enjoy the worship and the teaching. this week i signed up to help with childrens church! i have missed being with kids so much!
9. i'm hoping to get involved with a ministry that serves dinner to the homeless once a week here!
10. our community just has fun together. we drink lots of coffee, talk all the time, play games, watch movies, cook together, study together. major bonding.

:) just a recap!
look for a post soon on what God has been teaching me and how to be praying!!!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

victorious living.

Victorious living. do we know it? do we believe in it? i cannot generalize for all, but for me personally, it seems harder than being able to state and know in my mind, that I am living in victory because of Christ's victory on the cross.

As I have been in Oxford, it has been a hodgepodge of ups and downs. highs and lows. but i think that is part of life- learning to be in process. i have found much joy in the community and settings i have been surrounded by, have been able to laugh, and thank God for hand picking a community of very different individuals.  i have spent some mornings and evenings with joy bubbling over, and some crying out to God, with moments of pain, and deep anxiety. My heart has struggled to be at rest, to be content, and to be in process. I have asked many questions to God, and cried out for His voice and His peace.

there have been many days where i have felt on the brinks of defeat, or defeated within my mind or soul. and it is at those times when we need to choose to claim victory. it can be easy to lean towards despair, hopelessness, or fear, but they have not proved to be worthwhile or helpful companions. they actually do not deliver what they promise. so i have prayed, God how are you going to meet me here? how are you going to transform my mind and my heart to trust in your goodness? help my unbelief!

He has come through in many ways, and a main theme is ringing loud and clear: victory. i can claim victory because I am in Christ. that does not mean that the pain or suffering goes away, but it does mean that I have Jesus interceding for me, fighting for me, and with me every step of the way. With His grace i can choose hope, i can rest in peace, and I can receive a joy that does not perish, spoil, or fade.

A friend who has been such a blessing to me just lent me the book Amazing Love by Corrie Ten Boom. The Lord definitely had His hand in that, and just prompted her to give it to me. It has been a source of great refreshment, and from simple truths, helped me fix our eyes back on Christ. One of the quotes is this, "We are not only striving towards victory, but we are fighting from the stance of victory." Boom. Victory is ours. the battles will be waged, and we will fight, but the war has been won. our souls can rest assured of that.

In a devotional I read in the morning, called Joy and Strength, i found two more quotes about victory.

"Courage, it shall be well: we follow a conquering general; yea, who hath conquered already; and He that hath conquered for us shall ever conquer in us." Robert Leighton

"Hopefulness of victory is ours, if we only remember that we are fighting God's battles. And can He know defeat? He who is the God of the great world around us is the God of the little world within. It is He who is contending in thee; thou art but His soldier, guided by His wisdom, strengthened by His might, shielded by His love. Keep your will united to the love of God, and final defeat is impossible, for He is invincible!" - George Body
I could write on forever about the ways that those quotes encouraged me, but I hope the Holy Spirit uses them to encourage and strengthen your heart as well- in whatever area you feel you may be facing defeat. the enemy of our souls does not want us to remember victory, but fall into the easy muck of despair, keeping our eyes ever on our circumstances, and our abilities, instead of the strength and adequacy of our beautiful Savior. He is working in us, He is working through us, and He is invincible! As I am battling insecurity, anxiety, transition, etc it has been easy to stay focused on the moment, stay focused on the indadequacy, almost as if worry will fix the problem. It doesnt, and that can even be used to distract us from focusing our eyes and minds on the kingdom. Allow Christ to transform the foundation of your mind, your thoughts, and your battles to one of victory. 
God has also come through in community. through being transparent with some women in the group, i have been able to be lifted up in prayer, and from that, be so encouraged by the Word, which truly does sustain us. I have been very encouraged by Philippians 4:10- 13 and Matthew 11:28- 30. Victory is ours in plenty, and in want, and we can exchange our burdens for His rest and His strength. He keeps saying "I've got it, I've got you covered."
I am resting, praying, and thanking God that we do have a God who transforms us. that we can rest that He loves us too much to let us stay the same.