Sunday, December 11, 2011


lovingkindness might be one of the most rich words in the Bible. it is an attribute of the LORD. it is a meaning for mercy, amongst many others. it is something that cannot be changed. research more if you get a chance. but it is something i have been praying through. it is a covenant to those who believe. he will not take this lovingkindness away. he promised it to us forever when Jesus died for us on the cross. there are so many promises and moments of intimacy that go untapped because we do not dive into the riches of Christ. Psalm 136- David repeats again and again, his lovingkindness is everlasting. it never ends. Psalm 89:27 says that he will not take away his covenant of lovingkindness. Jeremiah 31- he has drawn us with lovingkindness. and a personal favorite for me so far :
"Let me HEAR your lovingkindness in the morning, for i trust in you. teach me the way i should go, for to you i lift up my soul." Psalm 143:8. Do we pray to hear the Lord's lovingkindess in the morning? it has become my prayer. in moments when i dont know if i can get out of bed, in moments when the day seems daunting, and in moments when i cannot wait to see what the Lord has in store for me that day, i want to hear his lovingkindness. because i know we don't always hear it. i know sometimes lies can seem bigger than reality. i am feeling it with my ability to lead a small group, be a good student, be a good housemate. but we can ask to hear it. it doesn't leave.
mercy. it is wonderful. and i think we forget the beautiful things the Lord has called us to. to mercy. to imtimacy. to purity. to Christ. to His Spirit. to walking with him. and mercy will bring that. i have been really into Sandra McCracken lately, especially thy mercy, My God. it is a beautiful reminder of the mercy of our God. and i have found, that through worship, you are reminded of Scripture, which makes me want to pray through Scripture. which has power, which restores. pray for mercy. pray to hear His lovingkindess. see how that changes things.

pray to see His glory. pray for Him to show Him your glory. praying for mercy, lovingkindess, and to see Him living in the big and small will chnage your life. becuase it will bring you life. trust Him, even when it seems hard, and he is not listening. he is. and he will bring you deliverance and joy and peace in such a new way that you could never see coming. but give up your time table. mercy is promised. but sometimes it takes a period of waiting for us to experience the fullness of salvation. so in that time of waiting- pray, talk to Him, remind yourself He just wants your heart. He just wants your soul, your mind, and your strength. His glory is beautiful. I promise. follow Him and give him your heart (Matthew 5:27, Proverbs 23:26) listen for Him and listen to him (Proverbs 8:34) he is always fighting for you. he is waiting for you to come to Him. and he wants to show you himself. i promise.

look up lovingkindness in Scripture. it will change you. see what passage means the most for you. ask him to dive into the depths of your heart with the meaning of that word. i promise you will not be the same.

grace & peace.


there have been so many times when i have gone to this blog.. wanted to post again and haven't. and to be honest it's because i don't really know what i want the purpose of it to be. and right now there are no readers. but let's say someone stumbles upon it. i want them to know that God moves. and that He is real. and that He heals, listens, and loves.
that it is about HIS glory. even when our lives and selves seem to think otherwise.
that we CAN choose joy, even in the midst of hard times.
and that sometimes, we really have to wait to see what He is planning.
easy? no. possible? heck yes.
so as i am starting this up again... some recent things come to mind.

this week i have learned the power of praying scripture. and to actually give thanks. it's not as easy as it seems. when you are crying in class every day for no reason, when you can't seem to find the joy in anything, when you don't know how to pray, what to read, or even what to ask. go. go to Him. wait. he will respond because He is faithful, in everything He does, not just because we are good. because that is who HE IS and when he says I AM, that does not change.
choose joy. when you are battling anxiety. when nothing goes your way. when you feel alone. choose joy.
it's for HIS glory. check your heart. we are actually seeking our own glory way more than his, and i know this because i am guilty. but seeking his glory, and praying and waiting for his glory will bring the most reward out of anything.
wait. wait for Him to move. he will do it.

we are reading a book called One Thousand Gifts in my house Bible study. thank you to libby ryder. i actually prayed for a couple months that she would start a bible study for my house (Brickhouse ladies) he hears us. libby also happens to be the person who got me excited about blogging. anyways- this week was chapter 2. and it has amazed me what He has done in the course of one week. completely prepare me. before i read this chapter... this was my big thing for the week
-teleios: greek for complete, whole.
-1 thes 5:16-18
-praying for wonders
- praying to see the joy in this
- praying that He would not delay (psalm 40)
- praying to give thanks for the place i was in, it seemed almost impossible. i was crying every day.

this is what this chapter was about.
-giving thanks
-choosing joy

it's harder than it thinks. but something she said was how much thanksgiving is linked to salvation. and being made well (sozo) and sozo means complete and whole.
and how when we can find thankfulness in something we can find joy in something. truth.
thanksgiving always precdes the miracle.

on Saturday, after deliberate prayers to be thankful and to see His mighty hand and outstreched arm
- found a Bible study that i lost at Barnes and Noble on the shelf. hello heart and soul of rachel wallick up for sale. are you kidding. makes for a good story.
- sermon on 1 samuel 14 on supernatural courage- probably one of the best sermons i have listened to. by Bill Johnson from Bethel Church
- restored friendships
- clarity, vision, restored joy

his love endures forever. think about it. never ending. forever on this earth, forever in heaven. hallelujah.